Luv Crib Lower Track 10.5-inch long
Price: $ 30.00
Lower track for cribs with knee Release or Hand Release Crib Hardware. Length 10-1/2 inch. Bottom tracks are screwed into the crib headboard and crib footboard on each side (left and right). Lower guides of the cribs stationary side will slide on the lower tracks and are stopped by the bottom wider end.
Part Number: YSL BottomTrack
Part Number Substitutes:
Model Number:
Web Id:S6302455
Manufacturer: Luv
Brands: Luv, etc.
Specifications: Length 10 1/2" x Width 11/16" x Height 1/2". Bottom stopper 1 1/2" from the bottom. 1/2" thick.
Color: Dark Brown
Condition: Used