6FT Cassette Player Radio Power Cord Rounded Squared ends 7 A 125 V Polarized Line Connector Longwell E55349 E55333 C7
Price: $ 20.00
6-foot power supply cord 7 amps 125 volts. One end is half rounded and half squared. Polarised C7 Line Connector. Asymmetrical: with one end round and the other square. Common in tape players, cassette recorders, battery/mains operated radios, some full size AV equipment, laptop computer power supplies, video game consoles, and similar double-insulated appliances. (UL) SPT 2 E55333 VW-1 2C/18AWG LONGWELL CSA TYPE SPT-2 FT2. The cord may vary in length or manufacturer name.
Part Number: E55333
Part Number Substitutes: E55349
Model Number:
Web Id:S6303093
Manufacturer: Longwell
Brands: All Brands
Specifications: Length 82" x Width 1/4" x Height ". 6 ft, 2-prong. round square end.
Color: Black, grey
Condition: Used