Hoover Upright Vacuum Nozzle Adjuster Lever Cam Assembly
Price: $ 8.00
Hoover vacuum part that changes height of the base low to high. Attached with two snaps. May also fit models U5443-900, U5445900, U5445940, U5447900, U5449940, U5450900, U5451900, U5445-900, U5445-940, U5447-900, U5449-940, U5450-900, U5451-900, U5465-900, U5465-960, U5465-970, U5475-900, U6433-900, U6434-900. NOZZLE ADJ LEVER & CAM KIT
Part Number: 40309004
Part Number Substitutes: Key 4
Model Number: U5458-910
Web Id:S6302238
Manufacturer: Hoover
Brands: Hoover Windtunnel, Hoover Dirt Finder, Hoover Upright
Specifications: Length " x Width " x Height ". 2 7/8" wide, 3" long, 1" high.
Color: Black
Condition: Used