OUT OF STOCK Kenmore Washer Motor 8314869 with Motor Switch 62850 (Motor Model C68PXGKE-4569)
Price: $ 0.00
$250 Kenmore Washer Motor 8314869. Motor Switch 62850 included. This is a direct drive motor Model C68PXGKE-4569. 1/2 HP, 120 Volts, 60 Hz, 9.8/8.8/9.0 Amps, 1725/1140/850 RPM.
Part Number: 8314869
Part Number Substitutes:
Model Number: 110.23032100
Web Id:kenmoreWasherMotor8314869
Manufacturer: FSP Whirlpool
Brands: Kenmore, Whirlpool
Specifications: Length " x Width " x Height ". 1/2 HP, 120 Volts, 60 Hz, 9.8/8.8/9.0 Amps, 1725/1140/850 RPM..
Color: Metal
Condition: Used