Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Greeting Cards -Pack of 10 MUSICAL Cards NEW
Price: $ 10.00
Merry Christmas music cards 7 3/4 inch x 5 3/4 inch, envelop is 8 1/4 inch x 6 inch. 1.May the coming year be filled with happiness for you, 2.Merry Christmas Wishes-Wishing you a joyous holiday and Happy New Year, 3.Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful and blessed Christmas, 4.Holiday greetings and best wishes for the coming year, 5.Here are special greetings and the best of wishes, too, May christmas and the coming year bring happiness to you.
Part Number: X10Chrt
Part Number Substitutes:
Model Number: CCx10
Web Id:christmasCards7841046a
Manufacturer: China
Brands: China
Specifications: Length 7 3/4" x Width 5 3/4" x Height ". Envelop is 6" x 8 1/4".
Color: White
Condition: New